Five Years of Cartoon Dragons!
Wow, half a decade! This feels like a milestone!
I’ve been writing and drawing this strip, these characters, these stories, this setting, for five years now, and they all feel more alive and vivid to me than they ever have. And I feel more encouraged and determined to keep doing it than I ever have! I’m drawing more now than ever, thanks in large part to my taking up digital media (though my comic is still drawn in ink on Bristol and shall remain so!), and also in large part to seeing myself improve in meaningful ways on so many fronts. Every time I write one of these commemorative posts, I feel like a brand new artist!
The Gray Old Trees is alive and changing, and it fills me with energy. My characters are revealing more of themselves, and I’m thrilled that I get to tell their stories. Even when the physical process of creating these strips is tedious or difficult, even when they don’t come out looking the way I’d hoped, I’m always happy that I did it, and looking forward to doing it again. Art is a journey of constant learning, and I couldn’t ask for a better cast of dragons and wildlife to accompany me!
Finally, a huge thank-you to y’all! Whether you’ve bought a book, subscribed to my Patreon, told a friend about my comic, or even just read a few strips and went onto something else, you have my gratitude.
Alright, time to get back to drawing!
With artful regards,
Four Years of Cartoon Dragons!
And that’s another 365-ish days in the bag! This last year or so has brought some changes to my little strip–a change to a more forgiving schedule, as I worked to balance my increasingly labor-intensive comic work with my day job and other creative endeavors; changes in writing, as I’ve begun to shift away from one-off strips and toward longer-form storylines; and as always, changes in my artistic habits as I learn and grow as an artist. Through it all, my enthusiasm remains, and I’m as excited as ever to keep this thing going!
I’m on the home stretch to a pretty major milestone, now–the half-decade. I wonder what my comic will look like then, and what story I’ll be in the middle of drawing? I’m looking forward to finding out!
Thanks for reading, y’all! Both this post, and my comics.
Apologies for the Delay!
There are comics on the way! Between recent family gatherings, a perhaps overly-ambitious illustration, and my own time management foibles, I’ve fallen a bit behind, but I am working on some new stuff. They’ll be posted on the Friday after they’re done, whenever that is–hopefully soon!
No More Scanner Trouble
I can scan again! Uploading of comics will now proceed as normal.
Scanner Trouble
Due to technical issues with the scanner I’ve been using, there will be a delay in posting new comics. I’ll have them up as soon as the problem is resolved, which hopefully will not be too long!